Punch Gran Puro Nicaragua is the ultimate cigar for body and flavor. This cigar gets its full-bodied profile from its robust Nicaraguan fillers and binder, giving smokers strong notes of pepper, cedar, and leather. As the cigar builds in body, smokers will experience an incredibly rich and savory flavor profile due to the Connecticut broadleaf wrapper. Gran Puro Nicaragua is a perfect representation of Nicaraguan tobacco. Building on the legacy of its famous Honduran cousin, Punch Gran Puro Nicaragua 6 x 54 offers an exceptionally smooth, full-bodied smoke with a well-balanced mix of earth, bittersweet chocolate, subtle spice, and cocoa flavors.
Jeremy Plunkett (verified owner) –
Cigar: Punch Gran Puro
Price: $7.66
Size: 5.5×54
Appearance/Color: Dark cherry hue with minimal veins and tight seams. Toothy wrapper with little pimples filled with cigar flavor goodness.
Smoking Time: 1-1/2 hrs.
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Binder: Nicaraguan
Filler: Nicaraguan
On the Nose: Barn,cedar/floral
Cold draw: Barn, hay
1/3: Spice/pepper,leather,cocoa and natural sweetness from the Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. Good burn and draw.
2/3: Spice/pepper,leather,dark chocolate,coffee and still that sweetness from the Connecticut Broadleaf.
3/3: Spice/pepper,leather,bitter cocoa,dark espresso and the sweetness from the Connecticut Broadleaf continues to shine.
Great aroma from the smoke. The burn was a little off at times,I’ll say that was possibly caused by the wind today but minimal touch up’s. The band came off with ease causing no damage to the cigar. Overall great cigar that’s box worthy.
JLaw (verified owner) –
The exhale and after taste is so good. The retrohale is incredible. To me it tastes like wood, leather, cocoa, nuts. This pairs well with CAO MX2.
even burn, about 1.5″ ash, medium draw, oily wrapper, little to no bite.