Review cigars with us at Cigars Daily. We do cigar reviews online every week on the Cigars Daily Youtube channel. Now you can come use the same rating system we use to rate, review, and learn to taste notes for yourself. The Cigars Daily Review Journal is the perfect cigar smoking companion with more than 100 pages for reviewing cigars with professional criteria. And when you buy now, you’ll get 4 cigars that Tim H Swanson will be reviewing on Youtube over the next couple weeks.
Cigars Daily Review Sampler No. 86
$13.59 – $39.74
Come review these cigars with us over the next 2 weeks on the Cigars Daily Youtube Channel. You’ll get the same 4 cigars we’ll be reviewing on the channel. Plus get the optional Cigars Daily Review Journal, which has the same review criteria we use! This week you’ll get some great blends from Hoyo, Diesel, Los Statos Deluxe, and Oscar Valladares.