From, “Every Cohiba is handcrafted by master cigar makers selected for their expertise. According to a time-honored tradition, our artisans call upon the knowledge passed down to them to ensure that each and every Cohiba cigar is flawless, both in appearance and construction.”
Cohiba Dominican Red Dot Robusto (5×50)
$26.94 – $606.14
Synonymous with extravagant taste and complex flavor, true cigar connoisseurs know Cohiba as one of the world’s finest cigars. Meticulously handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba is the product of masterful blending. Featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos aged under the watchful eyes of our artisans, Cohiba is a dimensional, slightly-spicy smoke created for the initiated.
Kristen Sorensen (verified owner) –
Yet another old stand by not holding up over time but trading it’s history for an unreasonable price today
Nikki Qualls –
This was a good one.
Mike T –
Maybe I was unlucky with my… but without hesitation this was the most underwhelming cigar I’ve had in years.
I’d give it 2 stars if it was priced under $10… but for $20 I just cannot fathom how this sells.
Cohiba Connecticut is a good one (also overpriced… but it’s at least a good blend)… Red Dot? Not so much.
Jeremy Plunkett –
Didn’t peak my interest. Notes of earth/spice/leather/gentle creaminess and quite bitter to my palate.